Young Rich Niggas

As comical as they may seem at times, the truth is Migos deserves a lot more of our respect than they get. In Hip-Hop the way you tell a story almost supersedes the content of what you’re saying and the stigma is that the Atlanta trio’s staccato, ”Versace Flow” is for entertainment purposes only and not really to be respected. Apparently the belief is if you’re not telling trap tales with the same cadence as King Push than you’re not really saying much and clearly just hiding behind a catchy song arrangement which is why My Name is My Name was critically acclaimed and No Labels 2 is considered, for the most part, “car music.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way trying to say Migos is comparable to Pusha T at this early point. I AM saying however, that from a content standpoint there’s more between their bars than your ears would lead you to believe and they’re having more of an impact on the industry than you would think.

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