Metaphorically Speaking

Clever lyricism, in the form of metaphor, is often under-appreciated in today’s Hip-Hop environment. Whether it’s shrewd wordplay or a keen ability to tap dance on syllables, true hip-hop heads can recognize when an artist has done something special on a track. “I Used To Love H.E.R.” from Common and “Fried Chicken” from Nas and Busta are two tracks that really demonstrate a dynamic lyrical skillset. In both of these songs the artists use extended metaphors to paint a vivid picture. Common’s track ingeniously compares a relationship with a woman to Hip-Hop, through multiple stages of change. Nas and Busta compare a love for fried chicken to a lust for women. Each song has a dismal kind of tone to it with relation to the black community, which makes them all the more intriguing. Check out the two tracks below. Which extended metaphor do you think is more clever?

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